BeTrip helps travelers save their time while they plan a trip, using a modern AI tech to analyze social media data by geotags and to keep the places data always updated. This is a service for travelers who want to transform a usual trip into an unforgettable journey and bored with long and tedious route planning.
We acquire customers through the integration with our partners like OTA, Car rentals, Hotel booking companies, Travel Technological HUBS (B2B connectors), GDS, LDS, Travel portal, Corporate travel.
We also use influencer marketing as a part of our customer acquisition strategy. We have made the marketplace where travel bloggers with an average audience of 100k followers can create and sell their routes through our platform, as the same time promoting BeTrip on their blogs.
Current stage:
BeTrip App is released in Google play market and in App Store.
* 57k users
* 15k active
* 20 bloggers