Cubios, Inc., the early stage startup from Novato, CA, had been founded by father and son Ilya and Savva Osipov in July 2017. The company is focusing its efforts on the development of WOWCube – the most innovative gaming gadget on the market today.
The basic idea of “interactive LEGO” similar to Sifteo Cubes, appeared over 2 years ago and is belonging to Savva Osipov. Working on this concept as his DIY project, Savva met the lack of expertise in the engineering, asking his dad Ilya Osipov for help. In the end of 2016 they involved a family friend, Eugene Zhukov, as an expert in gaming and crowdfunding marketing areas. After multiple iterations the initial project had been transformed into WOWCube. The first working prototype appeared in May 2017. It was a raw clumsy prototype with small screens, installed into 3D printed bodies with garage assembled electronics inside. But the most important – that prototype was able to demonstrate amazing functional features of the concept.
This allowed the team to convince few angels to invest $500 000 into the venture in July 2017. In addition, the team succeeds to get a great CTO, several engineers and graphic designers, forming their own R&D department there in Russia. Currently, the company is focusing its efforts on the development of WOWCube – the World’s first portable twisty game console with mixed reality gameplay. 4 patents are related to the project. Company is on the final prototype stage, finishing R&D and content creation, with further plans to start a mass production of WOWCube in the end of 2018 and to bring it to the market in Q1 2019.