Cleary one of the very best conferences we attended and sponsored in Silicon Valley this year. To us the conference truly captured what we see in our daily practice, the substantial opportunities and also the challenges with cross-border business arrangements. We made many new meaningful connections.
I love coming to the Silicon Valley Open Doors! I discover entrepreneurs here every single year, and I think I’ve been to all of them.
Excellent! Great conference! Lots of People! Lot of energy! Enthusiastic! Everything is just going so good.
The founders of the conference are very authentic and these are people that want to change the world and make things better for entrepreneurs and help people and I think that’s a great thing.
This conference is clearly a labor of love for a group of dedicated professionals who care deeply about the European entrepreneurs. From the value-packed educational panels, to the star-studded keynote speakers’ line up, to an amazing quantity of venture capitalists – this is a not to be missed event for any high tech entrepreneur.
It was great to present at SVOD and meet world-class entrepreneurs and investors. Our venture was off to a fast start in the funding round after the conference, we had an early closing to the round, and I look forward to being part of SVOD in the future!
It’s a great conference and it brings together great content from really terrific speakers like we just had and then a network of really interesting entrepreneurs.
The SVOD conference was a wonderful event. Networking is very important for start-ups. The challenge for them is often not money: it is mentoring and finding people who can give good advice from experience.
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