Brian focuses on early stage technology investments at Artiman. His current investments include ConteXtream, Guavus and Enovix.
Prior to joining Artiman, he spent twelve years in venture capital at Sofinnova Ventures and TeleSoft Partners. Previously, Brian co-founded Virtela (acquired by NTT), a managed global cloud provider. He also created, launched and managed Qwest Communication’s Internet product portfolio, which he grew from zero to over $1B of annual revenue. Brian began his career at ANS (America Online).
Brian received his BA in History from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. He is a native of Philadelphia and resides in the Bay area with his wife and two children. He is an extreme sports enthusiast.
His investments include BayPackets (acquired by GenBand), Calix (IPO NYSE:CALX), Internet Photonics (acquired by Ciena), KXEN (acquired by SAP), Loglogic (acquired by Tibco), OnFiber (acquired by Qwest) and Tele Atlas (acquired by TomTom).