Cindy Padnos is the founder and Managing Partner of Illuminate Ventures, a micro VC firm investing in the fast-growing Enterprise cloud and mobile computing sectors. She has deployed over $100 million to help dozens of start-ups succeed. Current Illuminate investments include Allocadia, BrightEdge Technologies, CafeX Communications, ChannelEyes, Coupang, Hoopla, Yozio and Xactly. Recent realized investments include SimOps Studios (ADSK), Red Aril (Hearst Corp) and Digital Fuel (VMW).
Previously, as an operating executive, Cindy was founder and CEO of Vivant (ORCL), CEO of Acumen and VP of marketing at Scopus Technology (IPO). Cindy has been named one of the Most Influential Women in Tech (Fast Company), Most Influential Women in Silicon Valley (The New York Times) and was dubbed” Queen B2B” (VentureBeat) . She is an advisor to entrepreneurship-focused accelerators Alchemist, Astia and Springboard and to both Carnegie Mellon’s Tepper School of Business and its Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation.