Nathan is the Founder of Zion Tech Angels and Founder and President of the Sunrise Financial Group, Inc., an FINRA and SEC registered broker-dealer with a $174 million SBIC fund. Sunrise has raised in excess of $5 billion for over 60 domestic and international public and private companies, using a variety of financing instruments.
Nathan began his Wall Street career with Salomon Brothers and also spent time at Bear Stearns and Prudential Bache in various trading and arbitrage capacities.
Nathan formed Zion Tech Angels to formalize his 20 years of high tech angel investing having invested in 109 angel companies, over 80mm, over 21 years with a 41% compounded IRR. 60 of the companies were in Israel and 40 of them in California. His 7 venture partners are legendary Israeli elite services veterans, resulting in IBM, Checkpoint, Citi, EY, and Microsoft joining ZionTech as Strategic Partners.
Nathan graduated cum laude from Harvard College in 1982 and serves on a variety of charitable boards for projects involving the developmentally disabled, cancer care, and education.
Recently IBM appointed ZionTech as co-manager of the IBM Tel Aviv Accelerator.